Thursday, February 11, 2010

Friends Reunion Steamboat Buffet


Finally, we (NTU friends) got to have a dinner together before Chinese New Year. Thank you everyone who came up with this ideal and those who made this happened.

Had a nice time and also a nice meal. All the different soups are nice.


Group shot


Smile guys~!


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Here we go , yum yum yum.


Peiyun with Thana and Mahader.

And the happy couples.


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Some small group shots.

Dong close-up =)



And…… who got full and decided to take more photos.

Starting with Mahader.

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They looked like they are smashing their face onto kokngee rather than actually kissing him.



Next, Peiyun and Thana decided to do some weird actions for whatever reasons… haha

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So what is Thana pointing at?…….. guess guess guess




The answer is: Meiyan, trying hard to hide behind us, but….. eh.. too big to hide?



Kokngee and Anthony


This last photo has large entertainment value.. =)


“Sometimes the measure of friendship isn't your ability to not harm but your capacity to forgive the things done to you and ask forgiveness for your own mistakes.”
- Randy K. Milholland


Friends are hard to find, and even harder to keep. Treasure what you have.

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