Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Singapore Airshow 2010 – Part 1


Got 2 trade day tickets from Uncle Sum just before the airshow. Yenling couldn’t make it cause she got work. So, decided to go with Victor cause it’s nice to see him “high” when he is around planes. Hahahhaa…. He don’t take photos, so its kind of bored doing it alone, but overall, nice trip.


Reach there 15 mins before the start of the airshow. By the time we got our pass done.. we missed the first show of our local F16 and Apache. Oh well.. its okay, its not the F15 anyway.

Our beloved Pulau Tekong. View from the display area.


A10 Thunderbolt






T50 Golden Eagle








Haha, Small plane plus fast, so there’s nothing much I can do.


Okay, that’s all for now… 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Friends Reunion Steamboat Buffet


Finally, we (NTU friends) got to have a dinner together before Chinese New Year. Thank you everyone who came up with this ideal and those who made this happened.

Had a nice time and also a nice meal. All the different soups are nice.


Group shot


Smile guys~!


001 002
Here we go , yum yum yum.


Peiyun with Thana and Mahader.

And the happy couples.


006 010
Some small group shots.

Dong close-up =)



And…… who got full and decided to take more photos.

Starting with Mahader.

 012 015 016 017 018 019
They looked like they are smashing their face onto kokngee rather than actually kissing him.



Next, Peiyun and Thana decided to do some weird actions for whatever reasons… haha

 021 022 023 024 013025

So what is Thana pointing at?…….. guess guess guess




The answer is: Meiyan, trying hard to hide behind us, but….. eh.. too big to hide?



Kokngee and Anthony


This last photo has large entertainment value.. =)


“Sometimes the measure of friendship isn't your ability to not harm but your capacity to forgive the things done to you and ask forgiveness for your own mistakes.”
- Randy K. Milholland


Friends are hard to find, and even harder to keep. Treasure what you have.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lion Dance by NUS lion dance troop.


Help cover some event in NUS. It’s some reunion dinner for the MBA students. They asked Yenling to cover the event, so i just went to help out. Its not too bad, considering its the first time I used a SB900.


During the event, there is this lion dance segment. Finally got a chance to shoot some lion dance in action. Although they didn’t wear the furry pants, it was quite a nice experience. Some of the shot are taken by yenling. Yeah, we work well together. =)


Some shots are a little blur, too bad. I tried my best. Flash got overheat and I have to shoot some of them with out flash with iso1000… So……

here we go…..



As this is a lion dance performance.. so there will be no captions for the photos.. haha... use some imagination k.

~Favourite shot~
















After looking through the photos, I found out that the lion’s left eye is lazy… =) doesn’t wants to open fully.

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