Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Perth – Day 12 ( A trip that I will not forget)


A few more shots of the cosy Low’s house. What I like is that there is no fence at the front of the house.



Self made letter box.








Countless DOME in Perth, didn’t know that DOME is so well know until I visited Perth. Glad that my working experience in DOME when I was 16/17 will come in handy after so many years. First time i know what all the names for different drink meant.


3 really wonderful cousins.



Interesting visual display, our family bought one set.


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Carpark when you look from the back




Round House


The Round House is the oldest building still standing in Western Australia. It is located at Arthur Head in Fremantle.




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Whalers’ Tunnel

As part of the whaling operations, a tunnel was constructed under the Round House to provide whalers with access to the town from the jetty and beach.

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Parrots everywhere.


Went to InterContinental for lunch buffet.




Views from the inside. Nice hotel, comes with a small casino.



So professional.


So serious.



My only shot of Perth City. I can’t believe it =(


Time to load our luggage up our mini bus.


Finally, Family shot. (Yup, Ruth and April included)


Fun Shot~~~!!!

Yeah man, the whole trip is really really fun and Perth still have so many places that I still have not visited yet. Really got to thank everyone for making this trip possible and enjoyable. Of course,  really appreciated what Uncle Kuan and family had prepared for us, the planning was wonderful. And also all the aunties and uncles who prepare dinner for us (so that we don’t have to keep eating fish & chips or Pies ). Auntie Edna and Ruth for all your jokes “neh mind” and  laughter. Auntie Jade and Uncle Daniel for looking out for everyone. My parents and brother for enjoying this trip together. Oh, and of course my beloved 3 cousins, Amanda, Samuel and Joy for all the funs and laughter. 

Amanda – Hope you like the hat.
Joy – How is your little “drawers” coming about? Remember to apply glue GENEROUSLY.
Samuel – How is the Rubic cube coming about? Got to solve the last layers?

I understand the Lows have been there for 8 years and things will get kind of bored after bringing group after group of “tourists” to the same place, so I am really really grateful that they brought us to so many places this time round. THANKEWWWW

Really miss all of you and hope that we can go on holiday together again together with Uncle Sum family. That will be great.




And Lastly, My Darling.. Yenling for going on this trip together. Thanks for everything.


PS: I will be having a post with all the photos of people instead of shots and shots of sceneries. So please be patient. =)

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